Trailer in Photos are representation of Large Group.,, Length 48', Width 102", Weight 8,950 LBS., Inspection C-FHWA 5-24, Floor Aluminum, Nailing Strips 2, Front/Rear Member Aluminum, Side Rail Aluminum, Pipe Spools Double, Winch Track Both Sides, Sliding Winches 10, Toolbox (2) Toolboxes, Side Rail Lights (3), Rear Lights (3) Stop/Tail, (3) Clearance - Clear LED, Mud Flap Brackets Behind All Axles, # of Axles 2, Suspension Type Air Ride, Suspension Brand Hendrickson Intraax AAL-23K, Suspension Setting 10'2", Tire Size 22.5 LP, Tire % 50%, Wheels Aluminum, Brake % Disc Brakes, King Pin Setting 30", 5th Wheel Condition Good, Cross Member Center 22", Landing Gear Two Speed, Disc Brakes, Revolver 5th Wheel with Teflon Pad- Galvanized Coupler Plate, Tire Inflation Sytem, Galvanized Hangers