Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
CEG - Tue October 31, 2023
Permian Basin International Oil Show Returns to Odessa
The Permian Basin International Oil Show returned to Odessa from Oct. 17-19 for its biennial gathering of producers, service companies, investors and innovatorsHeavy equipment was displayed prominently at the show, as development of infrastructure throughout the basin remains extremely active....
Prius Intelli - Tue October 03, 2023
Key Pipeline Projects Coming to Permian Basin
The Permian Basin is no stranger to setting records. Over the last two years, oil production and natural gas in Texas has been very strong. With increased production growth comes more pipeline projects to carry oil and gas where it needs to go....
TxDOT - Tue October 03, 2023
TxDOT Devotes $4.3 Billion to Permian Basin Upgrades
The Permian Strategic Partnership (PSP) recently announced that the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has approved the Unified Transportation Program (UTP), which serves as TxDOT's infrastructure plan for the next decade....
XRI - Tue October 03, 2023
XRI Constructs New Permian Pipeline System
XRI Holdings' construction of its Evolution Pipeline System in the Permian Basin is capable of recycling and managing more than 500,000 B/D of produced water from producers in the counties of Midland, Glasscock, Reagan and Upton....
CEG - Tue October 03, 2023
Beard Equipment Purchases Whitetail Equipment Rental
Beard Equipment of Midland recently completed the acquisition of Whitetail Equipment Rental of San Angelo and has rebranded the facility as a second Beard branch, according to company President Jeff Beard....
CEG - Tue October 03, 2023
Odessa, Texas Set to Host October Permian Basin International Oil Show
Later this month, the construction industry's spotlight will shine on oilfields and pipelines in Texas, as dealers and manufacturers showcase their equipment at the Permian Basin International Oil Show (PBIOS) in Odessa, a biennial event....
Bloomberg - Tue September 07, 2021
Permian Basin Will Receive $844M Boost Toward Recovery
The region at the heart of the once-booming U.S. shale industry is signaling confidence in a nascent recovery after the pandemic crushed demand and curtailed oil and gas drilling. The Permian Basin has grown over the past decade to produce more oil than Iraq....
Associated Press - Tue October 06, 2020
Contractor to Supply New Pipeline to Permian Basin
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) Oil companies in the Permian Basin of Texas and New Mexico need millions of gallons of water to retrieve petroleum. At the same time, the city of Lubbock spends $1 million each year to dispose its treated wastewater at two city farms....
Link-Belt Cranes - Mon June 24, 2019
Link-Belt Cranes Work Overtime in Wolfcamp Shale
Wolfcamp and Bone Spring Formations of the Permian Basin in west Texas and New Mexico hold oil and gas reserves estimated at 46.3 billion barrels of oil. According to a fourth quarter 2018 U.S. Geological Society report, full production estimates through 2025 predict that by 2021 one in every six barrels of oil, globally, will come from the Permian Basin....
Romona Paden – CEG Correspondent - Wed June 19, 2019
Oil, Gas Surge Spurs West Texas Road Work
As the oil and gas industry in West Texas continues to roar, the heavy activity of energy exploration and production translates to a constant flow of 80,000-lb. trucks traversing the roads in the state's Permian Basin....
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Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
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