Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Thu December 13, 2012 - Midwest Edition
SkillsUSA recently recognized Foley Equipment for its long-standing commitment to the SkillsUSA program at the Contest Chair Kickoff dinner at the new Wichita Area Technical College Webb Road Campus.
SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce.
SkillsUSA is a national nonprofit organization serving teachers and high school and college students who are preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations, including health occupations.
Presenting the award was Ann Wick, Kansas’ director of the SkillsUSA program. On hand to receive the award was Jack Frederick, sales product support manager, Wichita; Gregg Haas, service operations manager, Topeka and Jon Robinson, v.p. parts and engine Service, Wichita.
Foley employees have had a long-standing relationship and involvement with the Skills Diesel program. Frederick competed in the Automotive Skills competition at the state, national and international levels from ’06 to ’08, served as a national officer in ’08 and currently serves on the board of directors.
Haas has served as a competition judge, contest committee person and as chair of the contest committee. He also served as state contest chair and national contest committee member in 1987 and 1988 when the national contest was held at Wichita’s Century II Convention Center.
Robinson was a Skills contestant in ’91 and ’92 and has also served as a national officer. The last 10 years Robinson and Haas have co-chaired the State Diesel contest.
The annual Diesel Mechanic Skills Contest provides an opportunity for students in high school and post-secondary schools to demonstrate expertise in all aspects of diesel engine technology and repair.
Foley has hosted the Kansas competition at its Park City Rebuild Center for the last 3 years. The contest includes 13 stations that test students’ knowledge and abilities in testing and troubleshooting engines, electrical and electronics systems, power train systems including chassis, transmissions and carriers.
Contestants also demonstrate skills in hydraulic systems, vehicle inspections, fundamental failure analysis, brake systems, air-conditioning systems and general shop skills. Contestants also perform a job interview and complete a written test.
“Jon, Jack and I are honored to receive this award but it really goes to all the Foley employees and management that have supported the program over the years,” Haas said.
Foley will host the 2013 Diesel contest at its Park City facility April 25, 2013.
Foley Equipment is a full-line Caterpillar dealer serving 104 of 105 counties in Kansas and 40 counties in central and northwest Missouri, including the Kansas City metro with sales, rental, parts, service, product support and technology and productivity solutions for the complete line of Cat machines and engines as well as Terex Utility trucks.
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