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CEI Enterprises Offers an Extensive Range of Products for Many Asphalt Applications

Wed April 06, 2011 - National Edition
Construction Equipment Guide

CEI Enterprises has expanded its product range to include equipment for virtually any asphalt application. This product range extends from CEI’s asphalt tanks and hot oil heaters to complete hot mix asphalt plants, heating and cooling systems for liquid asphalt, blending systems for modified asphalts, heating systems for asphalt terminals, asphalt emulsion plants, emissions control equipment and more.

Hot Mix Asphalt Plants

CEI Enterprises offers two lines of complete, hot-mix asphalt plants: Nomad and RAP King.

Nomad asphalt plants, are highly portable and are available in 80, 130, and 175 tph (72.5, 118 and 158 t) capacities. All are available in primary and advanced designs. The primary design features a dryer/mixer unit with integral aggregate bins and wet scrubber. The advanced design uses larger aggregate bins mounted on an independent chassis, as well as a portable baghouse.

RAP King asphalt plants feature a counter-flow drum mixer capable of producing mixes with up to 50 percent RAP content with no added fuel cost. Production capacity is 180 tph (163 t).

Asphalt Heating & Cooling Systems

These systems include asphalt tanks with coils for heat transfer oil, hot oil heater, insulated piping, chiller and associated temperature controls. They are used in applications where liquid asphalt is used in a production process where the asphalt becomes super-heated, and unused asphalt is returned to the storage system.

Initially, liquid asphalt in a storage tank is kept heated by heat transfer oil from the hot oil heater. This “hot oil” flows through coils in the asphalt tank, transferring heat to the stored asphalt to keep it in a usable, liquid state. Later, when unused, super-heated asphalt is returned to its storage tank, it is cooled by a similar method.

The heat transfer oil is pumped through the chiller, reducing its temperature. Then, the cooled heat transfer oil is pumped through the coils in the asphalt tank, drawing heat out of the asphalt until its temperature is decreased to the desired level.

Blending Systems for Modified Asphalts

Since 1991, CEI Enterprises has produced asphalt-rubber blending systems. Modern controls provide blending with a simple-to-use interface. PLC-based, “recipe-driven” logic, simplifies operator functions. CEI Enterprises also repairs, upgrades and rebuilds AR systems produced by other manufacturers. In addition to asphalt-rubber systems, CEI Enterprises also offers SBS polymer blending systems for producing polymer-modified asphalt cement.

Heating Systems for Asphalt Terminals

Asphalt terminals require a substantial amount of heat in order to maintain millions of gallons of liquid asphalt at a usable temperature. CEI Enterprises produces heating systems designed specifically for this purpose. These systems frequently include twin hot oil heaters that can be used in unison or independently. The heaters feature a high Btu/hr output, (typically 5-million Btu/hr) or more. The heaters raise the temperature of the heat transfer oil that is piped through coils in the bottom of bulk liquid storage tanks. Heat is transferred from the coils to asphalt stored in the tank, raising it to the desired temperature and then maintaining that temperature.

CEI Enterprises also manufactures the piping and heating coils used in bulk liquid storage tanks.

Asphalt Emulsion Plants

In recent years, CEI Enterprises has worked closely with many asphalt emulsion suppliers to provide storage tanks, blending tanks, piping systems and temperature controls. Expanding on this base, CEI Enterprises now offers complete emulsion plants. Highly configurable to meet the needs of local markets, CEI Enterprises asphalt emulsion plants blend liquid asphalt with a variety of additives. These emulsified asphalts are then stored in holding tanks prior to load-out.

Emissions Control Equipment

In the western United States, where CEI Enterprises is located, is a center point for some of the most stringent air quality and emissions regulations in the nation. As a major provider of asphalt equipment in this region, CEI Enterprises has become a market leader in emissions control equipment. This equipment includes standard-duty and extreme-duty vent condensers that reduce blue smoke emissions from asphalt tanks, low-NOx emission hot oil heaters, and low-emission drum mixers that are also available with low-NOx burners.

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