Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Western Products - Thu September 07, 2023
Western Products Showcases Its Western Pile Driver
The Western Pile Driver lineup of pusher plows is designed for snow removal applications. The series is available in 8-, 10- and 12-ft. widths. The attachments come with three heights and a common carrier attachment system making them compatible with skid steers....
Ruksana Hussain - CEG Correspondent - Wed October 05, 2022
Western Products Introduces New Line of Pusher Plows
An industry leader in snow and ice control products, and well known among snow and ice professionals in the western and midwestern parts of the United States, Milwaukee, Wis.-based Western Products has had a busy few years despite the pandemic, labor shortages, supply chain issues and increasingly unpredictable weather patterns....
Douglas Dynamics - Thu September 08, 2022
Western Products Launches New, Improved Website
Western Products, a manufacturer of snow and ice control equipment, has announced the launch of its new and improved website featuring a better foundation, a more user-friendly layout and enhanced navigation....
Douglas Dynamics - Thu August 25, 2022
Fisher Introduces New Line of Storm Boxx Pusher Plows
Fisher Engineering, a manufacturer of snow and ice control equipment, has announced an all-new line of Storm Boxx pusher plows with Trace Edge technology. This technology features independent 2-ft. sections that move vertically, oscillate and trip to contour to the plowable surface....
Douglas Dynamics - Wed May 11, 2022
Douglas Dynamics Is Top Workplace in Southeast Wisconsin For 13th Year
Douglas Dynamics Inc. , manufacturer and upfitter of commercial work truck attachments and equipment, announced May 2 it has been recognized as a top workplace for the 13th consecutive year by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel....
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Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
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