Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Rebuild SoCal - Tue July 27, 2021
Construction Begins On Massive Airport Metro Project
The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) has begun construction on the $898.6-million Airport Metro Connector Project that will directly connect the county's transit system to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), providing a reliable, fast and convenient connection for passengers and airport-area employees....
Wed December 20, 2017
Topping Out Port of Long Beach Bridge
State, local and federal officials were joined by construction crews to celebrate the completion of the two 515-ft.-tall towers for the new bridge under construction at the Port of Long Beach. The “topping-out” ceremony marked the end of a three-year construction process to build the signature towers that will be the centerpieces of California's first cable-stayed bridge for vehicular traffic....
The Associated Press - Mon December 11, 2017
Subway Paleontology: LA Construction Unearths Fossil Trove
LOS ANGELES (AP) — As part of the crew digging a subway extension under the streets of Los Angeles, Ashley Leger always keeps her safety gear close by. When her phone buzzes, she quickly dons a neon vest, hard hat and goggles before climbing deep down into a massive construction site beneath a boulevard east of downtown....
Emily Buenzle - Fri December 01, 2017
Los Angeles to Speed Up Transit Construction Before Olympics
The Los Angeles Metro's Board of Directors has decided it will accelerate numerous transportation projects so they are complete by the 2028 Olympic Games. If left on their initial schedules, some of these projects would not be finished until 2041, Curbed reported....
Anthony Foxx (Former U.S. Secretary of Transportation) - Mon January 23, 2017
Feds Grant $1.6B for LA's Purple Line
When people think of Los Angeles, they often think of the glitz and glamor of Hollywood — but also of crippling traffic, delays and pollution in the nation's car capital. In recent years, LA's citizens and leaders have come together around a new vision....
Chuck Harvey - Fri October 28, 2016
Los Angeles County's $6.3B Metro Purple Line Subway Extension Under Way
Work is under way on the first section of Los Angeles County's $6.3 billion Metro Purple Line subway extension that will speed passengers from Los Angeles west to popular destinations like Miracle Mile, Beverly Hills, Century City and Westwood....
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470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
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