Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Carhartt - Tue August 27, 2024
Carhartt Strengthens Pipeline to Skilled Trades With 'For the Love of Labor' Grant
Skilled laborers and tradespeople have long been the backbone of America, shaping the economic health and hard-working spirit of the country. However, the United States continues to face a widening skilled labor shortage, with young workers experiencing societal barriers to entering the trades, as 79 percent of young Americans say their parents want them to pursue a college education after high school and only 5 percent say the same about vocational school....
Carhartt - Tue March 05, 2024
Carhartt Invests in America's Diverse Workforce With Sales Donation, Grant
The demand for skilled workers is higher than ever as professionals in the trades retire at a faster rate than younger workers replace them, estimated to leave three million skilled roles unfilled by 2028....
Carhartt - Wed September 06, 2023
As the demand for skilled workers across the United States reaches fever pitch — and the industry at large expected to grow 10 percent by 2028 fueled by emerging technology, changing infrastructure, $18 billion-per-year climate disasters and other factors — Carhartt is championing the hardest-working community organizations empowering the workforce of tomorrow....
Carhartt - Mon March 06, 2023
Carhartt Awards $225,000 in 'For the Love of Labor' Grants to Advance Women in Skilled Trades
In celebration of International Women's Day, family-owned premium workwear brand Carhartt announced the Spring 2023 recipients of its bi-annual "For the Love of Labor" grant program that dedicated this latest round of grants to award critical funding to organizations that work toward placing women in skilled positions....
Carhartt - Fri January 11, 2019
Carhartt Inc. Announces Launch of Carhartt Company Gear
Carhartt will launch its Carhartt Company Gear program on Jan. 16, 2019. With the new Carhartt Company Gear service model, the 130 year-old brand will provide a wide range of businesses with its familiar rugged, durable products....
Emily Buenzle - Thu October 05, 2017
PPE Design Shifts to Accommodate Women in Construction
More and more women are choosing careers in the construction industry, and because of this, experts are looking for ways to help bolster their safety on the job. One key area that is being evaluated is the size and fit of PPE, which has not been traditionally designed for the female workforce, Safety+Health reported....
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Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
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