Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Mack Trucks - Wed May 27, 2020
Mack Trucks Produces PPE, Donates Hundreds to Local Organizations
In response to sustained demand for personal protective equipment (PPE) as a result of COVID-19, Mack Trucks donated approximately 500 pieces of PPE that it manufactured at its Lehigh Valley Operations (LVO) plant in Macungie, Pa....
Carolina Cat - Tue May 26, 2020
Carolina Cat Teams with Charlotte Brewery to Distribute Hand Sanitizer
Due to the viral nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, personal protective equipment (PPE), such as hand sanitizer, masks, safety glasses/goggles and gloves, have seen a dramatic increase in need and often are all but impossible to find....
Katie Kohler – CEG CORRESPONDENT - Wed June 26, 2019
Hard Hats for Safety — and a Statement
What came first, the hard hat or the PPE laws?When E.W. Bullard returned home from World War I, he used his doughboy Army helmet to design protective headgear to improve industrial safety. Bullard sold carbide lamps and mining equipment to gold and copper miners who were wearing a soft derby, similar to a baseball cap....
Emily Buenzle - Thu October 05, 2017
PPE Design Shifts to Accommodate Women in Construction
More and more women are choosing careers in the construction industry, and because of this, experts are looking for ways to help bolster their safety on the job. One key area that is being evaluated is the size and fit of PPE, which has not been traditionally designed for the female workforce, Safety+Health reported....
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Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
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