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California Department of Transportation

Caltrans SR 2 Emergency Highway Repairs Proceed

Aside from stressing residents, the winter and spring storms the past two years (not to mention the wildfires around Los Angeles) have really tested the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), which faces damaged roads and related infrastructure around the state....

Topanga Canyon Landslide Work Nears End in California

A massive landslide occurred at post mile 1.8 on State Route 27 (Topanga Canyon Boulevard) near Malibu, Calif., on March 9, 2024, closing the two-lane highway with a significant debris field. California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) personnel were immediately on-site and, shortly afterward, the department hired Flo Engineering Inc....

California's I-80 Pavement Rehab Project Moving Along

Construction crews in Northern California are making significant progress on the Yolo I-80 Pavement Rehab Project — a $280 million effort to serve motorists traveling along I-80 between Sacramento and Davis....

Caltrans' Fix50 Mobility Project Still on Schedule

In hopes of meeting a September 2025 deadline, construction crews in California are working night and day on Caltrans' Fix50 Project. The nearly $484 million effort will enhance mobility while providing incentives for ride sharing during peak period travel....

Granite Construction Lands $45M, $38M Caltrans Contracts

Granite Construction of Watsonville, Calif., was awarded an approximately $45 million contract to reconstruct and modernize the John Wilkie Safety Roadside Rest Area along the Interstate 40 corridor by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), the company announced in a news release....

Four General Contractors Effecting SR 33 Repairs After 2023 Landslide in California

Operations continue on State Route (SR) 33 to repair the damage from a January 2023 landslide, with crews from R&R Demolition and Grading Corp. and three other general contractors making solid progress in Ventura to complete the emergency repairs, according to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)....

Caltrans, R & R Demo and Grading Team Up to Expedite Repair

Efforts by R & R Demo and Grading Corp. and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) are ongoing to repair damage caused by a major landslide that occurred on Feb. 21, 2024, on State Route 150 in Ventura County and to prevent future incidents....

Construction Crews Utilize Helicopter to Assist With Project

On most projects, cranes are able to meet the needs of general contractors to lift and place heavy pieces of materials, be it pipes, concrete or steel beams, concrete piers, etc. However, in some situations, a crane — despite its size and capabilities — is insufficient....

State Honors Caltrans Workers With Medals of Valor

The State of California recently honored Caltrans employees by presenting them with the Governor's State Employee Medal of Valor, the highest honor California bestows on its public servants. The awards are given annually to state employees for acts of heroism to save lives or protect state property....

Graniterock's Critical Turbo Project Improves Safety

At the eastern end of the ongoing San Benito Route 156 Project that will be completed in fall 2025, Graniterock completed the building of the SR 156/25 Turbo Roundabout Project. Crews began work on this project in San Benito County in June 2022....