Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
St. George News - Tue January 10, 2023
Construction Crews Demolish Towers at Utah Tech University
Out with the old and in with the new, Utah Tech University is tearing down Nisson Towers, the school's oldest student housing building, to make room for the brand new Campus View Suites III. According to the university's strategic plan, student enrollment is predicted to increase from 12,556 students this year to 16,000 students by 2025....
Layton Construction - Wed August 10, 2022
Layton, Partners Pour 15 Million Lbs. of Concrete in SLC
Layton Construction recently completed one of the largest continuous concrete pours in Utah state history. Crews from the Sandy-based contractor successfully placed 15.7 million lbs. of concrete in a 13-hour window for a 500,000-sq.-ft....
University of Utah - Tue September 08, 2020
Link-Belt Excavator Excels on Rice-Eccles Demo Job
Crews from Sandy-based Layton Construction began its demolition on Monday, Aug. 24, of the The University of Utah's Rice-Eccles Stadium. Crews started the dismantling of the Space Clarke Football Center in the south end zone....
Layton Construction - Mon July 13, 2020
Utah-Based Contractor Hands Out Awards at Conference
Layton Construction recently announced the winners at the 33rd annual Associated Schools of Construction Student Competition and Construction Management Conference. The Utah-based company awarded first place in the Region 6, Mixed-Use category to BYU....
Mon November 20, 2017
Foam-Control EPS Geofoam Solves High Altitude Construction Challenges
Decades in the making, The Summit is a new 23,000-sq. ft. glass-enclosed guest services center perched on the highest peak at Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort in Utah. Through thoughtful design and construction, project leaders GSBS Architecture and Layton Construction solved soil stability challenges at 11,000 ft....
Tue October 24, 2017
Dixie State Breaks Ground on Human Performance Center
Dixie State University began construction on its new Human Performance Center with a groundbreaking ceremony and open house that celebrated the addition of the allied health facility to campus. The ceremony took place at noon on Oct....
Tue August 29, 2017
Dixie State Awards Building Contract to Layton Construction
Dixie State University has selected Layton Construction to build the university's 155,000-sq.-ft. Human Performance Center. Using a value-based model, Dixie State looked at builders' qualifications, management plans and construction costs and awarded the bid to the company that performed best overall....
Wed October 26, 2016
$125M Vivint Smart Home Arena Transformation Begins
Vivint Smart Home Arena, a premier sports and entertainment venue of the Intermountain West located in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah, will be transformed as the result of a $125 million renovation. The majority of the construction will begin at the conclusion of the 2016-17 Utah Jazz basketball season with anticipated completion by fall 2017....
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470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
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