Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Cindy Riley – CEG Correspondent - Wed June 07, 2023
MoDOT, IDOT Team Up for $532M Chain of Rocks Bridge Project
Despite limited access both on land and by river, crews are making significant progress on the $532 million I-270 Chain of Rocks Bridge project. The existing structure, which connects Illinois and Missouri, is aging and must be replaced....
Illinois Department of Transportation - Tue March 28, 2023
Rebuilding Illinois Continues With New Projects for 2023
The past year marked the completion of the third full year of Gov. Pritzker's Rebuild Illinois, the historic, bipartisan capital program that is investing $44.8 billion into the state's aging infrastructure over six years, with $33.2 billion identified for transportation....
AASHTO - Wed August 31, 2022
Illinois, Kansas DOTs Unveil New Plans for Major Transportation Investments
Major investments in transportation infrastructure by Illinois and Kansas aim to create economic opportunity and jobs; promote quality of life; and improve mobility safety at both the state and local level....
Illinois Department of Transportation - Mon August 08, 2022
Arch Assembly Begins On Illinois River for New McClugage Bridge in Peoria
As the piers for the new eastbound McClugage Bridge continue to rise from the Illinois River in Peoria, the next phase of construction will be just as exciting. Currently in view on the river just 300 yds....
Illinois Department of Transportation - Wed July 06, 2022
Rebuilding Southern Illinois: Interstate Project Highlights
Entering year four of Rebuild Illinois, the Illinois Department of Transportation announced major projects to modernize and improve Interstates 24 and 57 in southern Illinois are planned or under way. Ten major projects on both interstates combined represent a total investment of more than $350 million, improving safety and mobility while sustaining and creating good-paying jobs throughout the region....
Illinois Tri-State Tollway - Wed June 08, 2022
Construction Ready to Begin On Justice Interchange On Illinois' Tri-State Tollway
State and local leaders met June 1 to highlight the long-awaited start of construction on the 88th Cork Avenue Interchange on the Tri-State Tollway (I-294), one of the top projects in the state's Competitive Freight Program aimed at improving the movement of freight and delivering congestion relief and economic benefits across Illinois....
Illinois Department of Transportation - Tue June 07, 2022
Peoria, Quad Cities Projects Highlight Year Four of 'Rebuild Illinois'
Entering Year Four of Rebuild Illinois, the Illinois Department of Transportation announced multiple projects in the Peoria and Quad Cities area are under way or planned. Twelve major projects in Peoria represent a total investment of $245.3 million, improving safety and mobility while sustaining and creating good-paying jobs throughout the region....
AASHTO - Tue April 12, 2022
Illinois DOT Issues $250M Installment to Support Statewide Municipal Projects
The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) recently issued the fifth $250 million funding installment to counties, municipalities and townships statewide to address local transportation needs. That funding comes from the Rebuild Illinois capital program, signed into law by Gov....
Illinois DOT - Tue March 29, 2022
Building Trades Students Job Shadow IDOT Bridge Project in Banner, Ill.
A building trades class from Canton High School received a close-up view of IDOT construction work last November during a site visit to a highway project in Fulton County. Students observed the first of three phases of work on a $10 million project to replace an outdated bridge on U.S....
Illinois DOT - Tue March 01, 2022
IDOT Offers New Route Guidance App
A new route guidance app for routine oversize and overweight permits is now available. The app features audible turn-by-turn technology, which will enable truck drivers to hear directions while keeping their attention on the road....
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470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
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